Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kingdoms of Camelot Beginner Tips

What resources should you hoard?

When you're starting off, the most important resources appear to be wood and ore. For these reasons, conquer wilderness (wilds) that are either forests for gaining wood or hills for a bonus to ore. Likewise, you will likely find that food (farms) are the least important, and easiest to come by when starting. Later, you will have to repeatedly hit barbarian camps to acquire enough food to support your army.

KOC Tax Strategy:

Set your tax rate to 5-10% and remember to tax every 2 hours, which is how long it takes to regain to lost happiness. You are able to levy a tax every 15 minutes. Furthermore, the traveling faire gives all your cities a happiness bonus. This is great to use at an opportune time to do two tax collections very rapidly.

KOC "Dailies"

Gold (tax)
Hit barbs

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